Royal Visits - Trinity House (1956)

Hull. LV. Naval cadets lined up and the Duke walking down the rank. CU. A cadet’s face. GV. The Duke inspecting the cadets and stopping to talk to a little one. CU. Old mementoes of Trinity House - silver etc. GV. The Duke looking at mementoes of Trinity House. SV. Notice reads “The Nation has a right to the service of all her sons for her defence in time of war“. LV. The Duke walks across the platform to unveil plaque commemorating the reopening of the school. CU. The plaque. GV. Cadets applauding. SV. The Duke speaking. Begins to speak and says (natural sound): “Sea going may be, or people will tell you that sea going is a happy life, but it has its compensations. Take me for instance, if I’d been at sea I would not have had to make this speech and you would not have had to listen. So master, ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to declare this school reopened, reinvigorated and modernised.“ (Lav.) (Orig.D.) FILM ID:573.2 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH
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