Bartok - Out of Doors

Out of Doors (Szabadban), composed by Béla Bartók in his ’piano year’ of 1926. 1. With Drums and Pipes - bang bang bang WHAM bang WHAM bang WHAM. Oh yeah... 2. Barcarolla (1:51) - you can almost see the girls bumping their hips. 3. Musettes (3:50) - as in bagpipes 4. Musiques Nocturnes (6:40) - Night Musics, not Night’s Music. Not sleepy or dreamy, but with senses and awareness heightened. 5. The Chase (12:01) - are those arpeggiated clusters at the opening, or screams of terror? Curiously, rather than press on towards the end, Bartok backs off as in exhaustion, with a final Chomp! Created, edited and mastered in Digital Performer (MOTU), using Ivory (Synthogy) sound banks. Video created in iMovie. Disclaimer! The music score is from a Russian edition downloaded from . In the US the score is administered by the Harry Fox agency. The audio is my own.
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