The Deer’s Cry | Oh Blessed Light

“Oh Blessed Light” is featured on The Deer’s Cry album, Rise with the Dawn. Follow us at: “Oh Blessed Light“ Music by Karen Ballew Words by Ryan Thames with Isaiah 9:2 in Icelandic Arranged by Karen Ballew, Chris Foster, Bára Grímsdóttir, and Rebekah Passmore Karen Ballew - vocals and harps Bára Grímsdóttir - vocals Chris Foster - Icelandic langspil, fiðla, and vocals Produced by Ren Renfree, Sound Catcher Recording Iceland recording: Andri Eyvindsson Music video filmed and edited by Brad Ballew The bridge for “Oh Blessed Light” comes from Isaiah 9:2, sung in Icelandic: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.“ “Sú þjóð sem í myrkri gengur sér mikið ljós Yfir þá sem bú
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