Volgograd Shipbuilding Plant - an idle, collapsing enterprise in the south of Volgograd

The Volgograd Shipbuilding Plant is an idle, collapsing enterprise in the Krasnoarmeysky district of the city of Volgograd. September 2021. JSC “Volgograd Shipbuilding Plant“ is a shipbuilding company in Russia, located in Volgograd. The plant was founded on the shore of the Sareptovsky backwater on October 1, 1931 as the Krasnoarmeiskaya shipyard (named after the city of Krasnoarmeysk, which entered the line of Stalingrad in 1931). The tasks of the new shipyard included solving the strategic task of providing the Volga River with river-sea transport vessels for the non-transshipment transportation of goods from industrial facilities located on the Volga to the ports of the Black, Caspian, Baltic and Mediterranean seas. Ensuring the Caspian shipping by sea vessels was also included in the tasks of the plant. In 1935, the country’s first all-welded fuel-loading barge “Neva“ with a carrying capacity of 4,000 tons was built. In 1940, when the shipyard was renamed plant No. 264 of the People’s Commissariat of the Shipbuilding Industry (NKSP), armored boats of project 1124 began to be built on its slipways. Around the same time, an assignment was received to produce armored hulls and T-34 turrets for the nearby Stalingrad Tractor Plant. In the fall of 1941, the design bureau of the Kharkov Tractor Plant and part of its equipment were evacuated to the enterprise, transferred from the NKSP to the People’s Commissariat of Tank Industry. During the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942, the plant was engaged in the production of components for the front, armored hulls of T-34 tanks for STZ, small T-60 tanks in cooperation with Krasny Oktyabr and Saratov Plant No. military flotilla armored shields and armored turrets. Since November 1965 - the Volgograd shipbuilding plant of the Ministry of the shipbuilding industry of the USSR [1]. 1963 - passenger marine diesel-electric ships “Baku“ and “Volgograd“; river tanker “Veliky“ with a carrying capacity of 5000 tons. 1967 - the beginning of the construction of river-sea tankers of the Volgoneft type (140 vessels were built). 1979 - construction of seiner trawlers for fishing in the Far East and northern seas (180 ships built). 1994-1998 a series of 10 river-sea dry-cargo ships of project 16290/291 with unlimited navigation area. 2003 - completion of construction of a series of 10 product tankers for Lukoil. 2004 - start of construction of a series of new generation dry-cargo ships with a deadweight of 6970 tons of project 006RSD05, with two full-revolving rudder propellers. 2005 — start of construction of the RSD19 series of dry cargo ships. 2009 - the company was going through a difficult period, according to some experts, it was in a pre-bankruptcy state. 2013 - Volgograd Shipyard declared bankrupt. In this regard, bankruptcy proceedings are carried out in 2013 as the last stage of the company’s bankruptcy. 伏尔加格勒造船厂是伏尔加格勒市 Krasnoarmeysky 区一家闲置的倒闭企业。 2021 年 9 月。 JSC“伏尔加格勒造船厂”是俄罗斯的一家造船公司,位于伏尔加格勒。 该工厂于 1931 年 10 月 1 日作为 Krasnoarmeyskaya 造船厂(以 1931 年进入斯大林格勒线的 Krasnoarmeysk 市命名)在 Sareptovsky 死水岸边建立。新造船厂的任务包括解决为伏尔加河提供河海运输船的战略任务,用于将货物从伏尔加河上的工业设施非转运运输到黑海、里海、波罗的海和地中海港口.该工厂的任务还包括确保通过海船运输里海。 1935年,建造了全国第一艘载重4000吨的全焊接加油驳船“涅瓦号”。 1940年,造船厂更名为造船工业人民委员部第264厂,1124项目的装甲船开始在其船台上建造。大约在同一时间,收到了生产装甲船体的任务和附近的斯大林格勒拖拉机厂的 T-34 炮塔。 1941年秋,哈尔科夫拖拉机厂设计局及其部分设备撤至企业,从NKSP转移到坦克工业人民委员会。 在 1942 年斯大林格勒战役期间,该工厂从事前线部件的生产,STZ 的 T-34 坦克装甲车体,与 Krasny Oktyabr 和萨拉托夫工厂合作的小型 T-60 坦克。军事舰队装甲盾和装甲炮塔。 自 1965 年 11 月 - 苏联造船工业部伏尔加格勒造船厂 [1]。 1963 - 客用船用柴油电动船“巴库”和“伏尔加格勒”;运载能力为 5000 吨的内河油轮“Veliky”。 1967 - Volgoneft型河海油轮的建造开始(建造了140艘船)。 1979 - 开始在远东和北部海域建造拖网渔船(建造了 180 艘)。 1994-1998 16290/291工程系列10艘江海干货船,航区不限。 2003 - 为卢克石油公司建造了一系列 10 艘成品油轮。 2004年——006RSD05型系列新一代干货船6970吨系列开工建造,配备两个全回转舵桨。 2005 — 开始建造 RSD19 系列干货船。 2009 年 - 该公司正经历一段艰难时期,据一些专家称,它处于破产前的状态。 2013 - 伏尔加格勒造船厂宣布破产。对此,2013年作为公司破产的最后
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