[Eng] 诀爱 (Parting with Love) - 詹雯婷 Faye | Love Between Fairy and Devil OST 苍兰决 片尾曲

So I think this song is a reference to how both the ML and FL are trying to sacrifice themselves for each other at different points in the drama: There’s so much happening all around and they suddenly realise how important the other person is to them. Therefore, they decide to part with their love to sacrifice themselves for the other person. 等天崩地裂的那一瞬间 The instant the sky crumbles and earth splits open [天崩地裂: literally the sky falls and earth cracks, meaning upheaval/ chaos] 待坍塌破碎了睁开双眼 I open my eyes once everything has collapsed 无处安放灵魂 With nowhere to rest my soul 只能降落 I can only start fal...ling 若灵魂相结在天地之间 If only our souls could unite between heaven and earth 看山盟海誓引一场惊觉 Watching that eternal vow of love, I suddenly realise [山盟海誓: literally swearing on the mountains and seas, meaning an eternal oath since mountains and seas remain unchanging throughout time. Also refers to a pledge of eternal love between lovers] 没有你的世界 我无力承受 I don’t have the strength to endure a world without you 拔情诀爱的最后 When I’ve finally cut my emotions and bid this love farewell 指尖缠绕的温柔 The warmth of our intertwined fingertips 化作一把锋利剑刺向了我 Turned into a sharp sword, stabbing me 诀爱 Parting with this love [诀 = say goodbye to/ to part with] 模糊光阴距离 Blurs distance and time 连时间都暂停 It even suspends time 全都只是因为你 Everything is just for you 确定 I’m certain 你是心中唯一 You’re the only one in my heart 说再见来不及 It’s too late to say goodbye 开不了口的惋惜 The regrets I’m unable to voice 来不及 It’s too late 来不及 It’s too late 来不及 It’s too late 诀别的爱 I’ve bid farewell to this love, forever [诀别 = to say goodbye to for an indefinite amount of time, thus usually suggesting an eternal parting] Anyway, another 九鹭非香 adaptation! I read the novel a few years ago and didn’t realise that the drama changed quite a bit from the original work. Was initially very confused haha. The novel is fully translated in English: The Parting of Orchid and Cang/ Demon King (one is the webnovel’s name and the other is the edited and published hardcopy version)
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