Damodarastakam Hare Krishna

A breathtaking animated art slideshow set to the Vaisnava song Damodarastakam, by Sri Vysadeva Dvaipayana, followed by a wonderfully rousing rendition of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. it is performed by H.G. Agnideva dasa. This prayer is sung during the month of Kartik, also known as Damodar. The original Sanskrit verse and translation of this prayer follow. Click more info.... DAMODARASTAKAM (1) namamisvaram sac-cid-ananda-rupa lasat-kundalam gokule bhrajamanam yasoda-bhiyolukhalad dhavamanam paramrstam atyantato drutya gopya To the Supreme Lord, whose form is the embodiment of eternal existence, knowledge, and bliss, whose shark-shaped earrings are swinging to and fro, who is beautifully shining in the divine realm of Gokula, who I (due to the offense of breaking the pot of yogurt that His mother was churning into butter and then stealing the butter that was kept hanging from a swing) is quickly running from the wooden grinding mortar in fear of mother Yasoda, but who has b
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