Capitol Police OPEN GATE for Trump Protesters: DC Lockdown RIOT COUP in Washington Inside Job!?

For more about Police Officers OPEN GATE for Trump Supporters on Capitol Lockdown DC, please read Do you think the police opened the barricade on Capitol Hill to let in Trump supporters and proud boys!? People were wondering how the Trump protesters were able to get in so easily. Of course, their buddies on the police department helped them. If you like content like this, be sure to hit that subscribe button, as the story continues to develop. Police officers are seen opening the gate for Trump supporters on Capitol Hill. Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill as Congress held a joint session to count the Electoral College votes which would clear the path to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration later this month. Protesters entered the Capitol complex and one woman was shot by secret service police. In a slowed down version of the video, you can clearly see a police officer open the gate for the protesters
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