Keeping Them Rolling (1957)

Rainham, Kent & Knaresborough, Yorkshire. LV. Express train travelling into back view. GV. Elevated, showing excavations for laying further tracks alongside existing ones. LV. Train passing over bridge as down below workmen are carrying out widening operations. GV. Bridge which is to be demolished. SV. Workmen on top of bridge drilling holes fro charges. SV. Last train passes under old bridge before it is demolished. SV. Workmen carrying planks to place between lines when the bridge is blown up to prevent damage to rails. SCU. Charge being pushed into hole. LV. Bridge at night, sand bags on top about to be demolished. SV. Workmen turns switch to blow up bridge. LV. Bridge as it is blown up, dust clears, rubble lying on the track. SV. Workmen clearing rubble from lines and throwing it into excavator buckets. AS. Workmen clearing rubble. LV. First train passing sight of demolished bridge. GV. Slip pan to shot of Knaresborough viaduct. SV. Diesel engine leaving station. Towing viaduct inspection unit onto
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