Building trust in the trustless Defi ecosystem, DeFi Summit

Join Gather CEO Reggie Jerath and the all-star panel YFDAI, Ferrum Network and Orion Protocol for a discussion about “Building Trust In A Trustless DeFi Ecosystem“ at Defi Summit. [Full Episode] Learn what it takes to build a defensible brand reputation in the blockchain industry, what are some of the things that new entrants can do to protect themselves from being victim of rug pulls, and how has trust in Defi has been built over the past year. — Check us out on other social media platform: ► Twitter: ► Facebook: ► LinkedIn: ► Telegram: ► Medium: — About Gather Network Gather has developed a powerful new technology that allows web and mobile developers to earn money by contributing processing power , unlike any other digital monetization tool available today. Imagine an Internet where web and application developers can generate revenue without having to re
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