- Real World Tag League (Combined Tapes)

This is both commercial tapes for the 2000 RWTL, matches in chronological order with the only things removed being the Tape 1 outro and Tape 2 intro, so the transition is smooth. --11/19-- 1. Opening ceremonies 2. Varsity Club 21 (Steve Williams and Mike Rotunda) vs. Real Shooters (Yoshiaki Fujiwara & Danny Kroffat) 3. Super Power (Mike Barton & Jim Steele) vs. Team Strongs (Mitsuya Nagai & Masahiro Kakihara) 4. New Revolution (Genichiro Tenryu & Nobutaka Araya) vs. Texas Red Necks (Barry & Kendall Windham) 5. King’s Road Racer (Toshiaki Kawada & Masanobu Fuchi) vs. Future Stars (Taiyo Kea & Johnny Smith)
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