actually many.. westerners think that by supporting the cause of natives elsewhere they now OWN the freedom of express

actually many.. westerners think that by supporting the cause of natives elsewhere they now OWN the freedom of expression of those natives and that we owe them “something“. Look here ya Habibi, you supporting OUR cause is good for is a cleansing mechanism from the remnants of colonialism pushed by YOUR ancestors against ours. Do not think for ONE minute that by supporting the right of others you then claim higher morale grounds over you now or without you like WE DID in 1982, 2000 and 2006 and like Gaza did in 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2021, 2022 until Oct. 7, survived with our own people’s sacrifices and Gaza too will survive with the sacrifices of its own people and resistance. YOU supporting US is good for is a sign that YOU are sane. POINT. Source: Marwa Osman--MidEaStream
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