RAPUNZELS VILLAIN SONG - Mother Knows Best /I See The Light | Minor Key | ORIGINAL SONG & ANIMATIC - YouTube

Rapunzels villain song is out! First - THANK YOU BEN AND SACREDHYACINTH FOR ARRANGING THIS SONG AMD MAKING THE ANIMATIC! STORY Night has fallen, a chill is in the air and we meet Rapunzel sitting in her tower. 6 months ago Flynn Rider sailed away after stealing her crown and abandoning her forever. Only her Mother could understand how she felt and help patch her back together. Mother was always right after all, the outside world is no place for Rapunzel. With her faith in humanity destroyed Rapunzel confided in her Mother, sharing her heartbreak and grief with the only person she believed ever really loved her. Mother Gothel saw an opportunity and stoked the growing hatred in Rapunzels heart until she despised the outside world and humanity just as much as she did. The world is dark and selfish and cruel, if it sees even the slightest ray of sunshine it destroys it. Vulnerable and heartbroken, it was rather easy to warp and manipulate Rapunzel into someone unrecognisable.
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