Vivaldi’s best compositions - Four Seasons and Best Violin Concertos

Antonio Vivaldi, (1678 - 1741), Italian composer and violinist who left a decisive mark on the form of the concerto and the style of late Baroque instrumental in 1685 was admitted as a violinist to the orchestra of the San Marco Basilica in Venice. Antonio, trained for the priesthood and was ordained in 1703. He became an excellent violinist, and in 1703 he was appointed violin master at the Ospedale della Pietà,Printed collections of his trio sonatas and violin sonatas respectively appeared in 1705 and 1709, and in 1711 his first and most influential set of concerti for violin and string orchestra (Opus 3, L’estro armonico) was published by the Amsterdam music-publishing firm of Estienne Roger. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Mozart rehearsing his 12th Mass with singer and musician. The 1720s were the zenith of Vivaldi’s career, Between 1725 and 1729 he entrusted five new collections of concerti (opuses 8–12) to Roger’s publisher successor, Michel-Charles Le Cè the 1730s Vivaldi’
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