Lecture «The Story of Our Father Abraham and of His Chela and of His Guru» was delivered by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 24, 1982, during the Sunday Service,
at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.
00:00 Lecture
41:31 Song 35 “Holy Christ Flame”
46:36 Invocation before the song 482
47:51 Song 482 “Part the Red Sea”
53:32 Song 546 “Our Beloved Sanat Kumara”
57:05 Lecture (end)
58:05 Song 220 “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go”
1:00:30 Sealing Invocation
Thou Holy Christ Flame within my heart
Help me to manifest all thou art
Teach me to see thyself in all
Help me to show men how to call
All of thy glory from the Sun
’Til earth’s great victory is won
I AM we love thee, thou art our all!
I AM we love thee, hear our call!
(hold 6 beats)
I hear thy call, my chil