Prikazano unichtozhit. Operatsiya ’Kitayskaya shkatulka’ [2009] -
Historical adventure film, Based on sekretnyh ARCHIVE Soviet razvedki. Events, occuring in the picture, ohvatyvaût period 1941 to 1944. Kill Glavnokomanduûŝego Soviet Army Joseph Stalin - Taku tasks put Hitler Before armiej tretego Reich. Begins preparing operations under Title “Kitajskaâ Casket“. Agents in Germany-murderers gotovât to triggering diversionnoj Assignments in special schools. Here plennye Soviet Soldiers ispolzuûtsâ as live material for Education Agents German razvedki. Gym vyderživaet only one of the personnel there pretendentov Role in History. Im Okazyvaets beglyj Russian soldier Petr Tavrin. “Kitajskaâ Casket“ - tot case, when ÿ û, obâvlennoe in the NACA detectives More Šovs of nothing mean “
Source: x264 / MKV / HDTV / 720p / (23h37m left) / Trumpable
1 month ago 02:12:42 5
Приказано Уничтожить / США, 1996, реж. Стюарт Бейрд / ДУБЛЯЖ / HD Video 1080p / Executive Decision
1 month ago 02:12:42 305
Приказано уничтожить | Решение о ликвидации | Executive Decision (1996) [1080p]