Sketching and Painting Outdoors with Watercolour - Amberley, Sussex

It’s time to leave the studio and get out and about into the landscape. For all of you that want to progress with landscape painting, being outdoors observing your subject and learning more about it is an essential element in your development. Here we shift our focus away from technical exercises and equipment-related discussions (that can overtake our thinking sometimes) and spend time learning about and understanding our genre and subject - the landscape itself. You’ll find me in Amberley, Sussex on the banks of the River Arun - first I make a quick pencil sketch of some teasels growing on the river bank and then paint a quick watercolour sketch of the river. I show you how to tackle some of the problems that come with painting on location and explore the benefits of being in the landscape. Recently, the art supplies company ETCHR kindly provided me with some equipment to try out and having having spent some time testing it, I’m delighted to integrate it into my working process. H
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