Служить России (To Serve Russia) - Russian military march
(Active the subtitles to see lyrics in Russian romanization or the translation to Portuguese or English)
Служить России (To Serve Russia) is a Russian march and the official anthem of the Russian Young Army Cadets National Movement, a paramilitary movement funded by the Russian Government, being affiliated with the Russian Armed Forces. This music is too popular among Russia’s Army and is considered a non-official anthem of Russia’s Armed Forced.
It has used to make this video, aerial views from St Petersburg and Moscow, videos from the Russian Armed Forces, images of URSS’s Army, scenes of the movies “The Barber of Siberia“ (1998), “War and Peace“ (1956), “War and Peace Part I - Andrei Bolkonsky“ (1965), “War and Peace Part III - The Year 1812“ (1967), “War and Peace Part IV - Pierre Bezukhov“ (1967) and of the series “War and Peace“ (2016). The thumbnail was taken from:
The links where you can find the original videos of the aerial views, URSS’s Army and the Russian Armed Forces:
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