[BG3XMMD]The emperor-Conqueror

I finally finished MMD model of the emperor last week, so I decided to produce a video to celebrate it. The model still have a lot of problems, so I need to spend more time on fixing it. I do not want to share it now. QwQ I am not a native English. If I have any words or grammar problems, please forgive me. And I know that the emperor is a controversial character, please do not argue in my comment section QwQ ----------------------------------------------------------- 上周终于把君主的mmd模型做好了,果断做个mmd视频来庆祝下。本来打算明天发布的,但是又兴奋到睡不着觉就果断今天肝完了orz 请尊重我的劳动成果,不要在评论区掐架,掐架会被我直接删除的。 模型我还有想修的地方,比方这个触须看得我真是头疼。于是暂时先不公布了orz可能等到主控夺心魔做好会一起公布(?) ----------------------------------------------------------- 【借物表】 【Model】 Larian Studios/濯衍 【Stage】 Larian Studios/濯衍 【Motion】 Motion Capture Studio : D1 MMD Motion : Suzuki Rin 【Camera】 nop 【Song】 Conqueror-IA 【MME】 Rui / そぼろ / ビームマンP / ikeno / データP
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