Speed Modeling the Archicad 24 Feature Project (Merdeka 118 Tower)

In this video, we’ll explore the Archicad 24 Feature Project you likely see all over the internet and social media! It’s also right there on the launch screen when first opening the software. We’ll do a quick analysis of the facade, elevations, and grid layout, and then jump into a speed modeling exercise, using basic column, wall, slab and morph tools. Upcoming Archicad 24 Training (NEW) MEP Modeling Course (Launching August 1st!) Pre-Launch Special Now Running to Save 25% Registration Video Outline: (00:00) 1. Intro to Archicad 24 Feature Project (01:55) 2. Facade Analysis and Elevations (04:45) 3. Structural Grid Layout (06:00) 4. Adjusting Stories (07:04) 5. Modeling Grids (14:28) 6. Modeling Columns and Core Walls (24:29) 7. Modeling the Concept Facade (42:32) 8. Speed Modeling the Facade (44:17) 9. Modeling the Spire (52:20) 10. Next Steps
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