Manners Maketh Man | Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)

When their headquarters are destroyed and the world is held hostage, the Kingsman’s journey leads them to the discovery of an allied spy organization in the United States. These two elite secret organizations must band together to defeat a common enemy. All copyright belong to Twentieth Century Fox Marv Films Shangri-La Entertainment Movie Review After seeing the trailers for the sequel, I was worried that it would not be able to hold a candle to the first film, which I thought was superb. The long running time also had me slightly concerned. As it turned out, there was no need to worry, as I really enjoyed the film. Time flew by and the story line kept me hooked the whole way through! Eggsy is a brilliant character and is for me personally, the star of the show, with Merlin coming a close second. Elton John’s cameo was also brilliant and provided much laughter. If you looking for a film that will keep you entertained, provide plenty of action and a barrel of laughs then give this a go.
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