Fi Di Kingdom - Ma1co1m x Kibir La Amlak [Official video 2022]

Ma1co1m, a young member of the RasTafari faith, is an artist difficult to categorise. His maternal heritage Ugandan, his paternal Norwegian and he himself currently residing in Stockholm, Sweden. Ma1co1m hails from a new generation of RasTafari musicians, who, although rooted in the ancient foundation of RasTafari reggae and inspired by the greats from Bob to Bunny to Prince Fari, his principal musical inspiration comes from the works of Vaughn Benjamin, aka Akae Beka / the voice of Midnite. It therefore goes without saying that Ma1co1m’s lyrical content is heavily steeped in mysticism, with an often ethereal quality, somewhere between prayer and poetry. 90’s born and raised against the backdrop of millennial culture, Ma1co1m has long followed a calling away from the virtues of the modern world and rooted himself in permaculture projects in Uganda, plant medicine and a keen advocate of sports, athleticism and fitness. Ma1co1m is an artist with a mission and a vision, in the divine inspiration of Haile Selass
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