Burnley V Manchester United F.A. Cup Third Round (1954)

BURNLEY V. MANCHESTER UNITED - F.A. CUP third round football match. Burnley, Lancashire. LV Kick off by Burnley and force ball upfield but a hefty kick by Foulkes swings play other end, Viollet receives. SV Viollet centres and Taylor’s header gives goalie Thompson a spot of bother but he recovers and clears upfield. SV Crowd. LV Shannon heads Burnley’s first goal although he winds himself in the process. SCU Crowd cheer. SV Players slipping about around Burnley Goalmouth although Berry No.7. seems to be enjoying it Centre is scrambled away. LV Holden chases a long clearance, Foulkes is unable to beat him for pace and Holden shoots and scores(Burnley 2-0). SV Crowd. SV Manchester attack- ing Berry receives beats opposition with an amazing dribble pushes ball out to the wing on right. LV Taylor running on to pass centres and Viollet slides it into net. Score (2-1). SV Crowd at half-time. LV Burnley attack down left wing. SV McIlroy chases ball through crowd of Manchester defenders and shoots as he falls
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