What Russian servicemen found in Avdeevka

What Russian servicemen found in Avdeevka Russian servicemen of the Center group, who took part in the liberation of Avdeevka, found the Armed Forces of Ukraine at one of the occupied strongholds a whole arsenal of weapons produced by NATO countries and ammunition for them. Ukrainian militants, leaving their fortified positions in panic, left behind more than 20 grenade launchers of various types, including automatic ones. There, assault groups found dozens of Kalashnikov assault rifles abandoned during an ‘organized retreat’, more than 200 mines made in Poland, American hand grenades, and several thousand rounds of ammunition made in Italy. The attack aircraft also seized as a trophy the terminal of the Starlink global satellite system, which is used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces for orientation, communication and broadcasting signals from quadcopters. By the way, one of these heavy quadcopters, popularly called Baba Yaga, was also found practically undamaged. Military personnel of the Russian army continue to examine the shelters in which Ukrainian soldiers were hiding in Avdeevka and daily replenish the collection of captured weapons that the Ukrainian Forces will no longer need. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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