New Ornament Technique in Blender | Part 1 of 2: Custom Curve Bevel
In the version custom curve bevels were introduced in Blender. This is an awesome feature to create non-destructive ornaments with curves. In this tutorial Karim Joseph goes through everything you need to know to make full use of this feature. Part two is a practical modeling demonstration of this new function, watch it here:
00:00 Intro
00:31 Quick look at the new Feature
00:53 Understanding the 2 Resolutions
02:03 Practical example
02:38 Preview and Render U Resolutions
03:31 New Custom Bevel Profile Widget
05:21 Profile and Mesh Relationship
06:15 Copy Profile to another Curve
06:38 Advanced Shapes / Profile Clipping
08:07 Outro
Video instructor: Karim Joseph
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