Волейбол от первого лица | Чемпионат | Супердивизион | «Dream Team» VS «Динамо» | Игра целиком #4

The fourth official game of the second round of the City Championship, Superdivision ------------------------------------------- The owners of the site: «Dream Team» Guests: Dinamo Game date: March 14, 2022 The current standings can be viewed at the end of the video. ------------------------------------------- More information about the Ekaterinburg Championship here, teams, announcements, standings: The first game of the Super Division with the Profident team: The second game of the Super Division with the VK UGLTU team: The third game of the Super Division with the Varyag team: ------------------------------------------- The composition of the «Dream Team» for this game: 1 - Alexander 4 - Denis 5 - Anton 8 - Vadim 9 - Sanya 12 - Ilya 13 - Leha 33 - Vladimir ------------------------------------------- Timecode:
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