XTM 2min 190609 TAEMIN ARENA TOUR 2019 ~X™~ Sapporo Taemin Minho

Last night, right after the concert ended, I talked to Minho on the phone ????? “and actually, yesterday night I talked with Minho-san. At that time I said ’Minho-san, minho-san I talked about (shinee) members’, he said ’you lied!“, ’it’s true!’ I said, ’If it’s true you wouldn’t say like that!’ he said. I tought what to say?/what to do?. And, I said that I want to meet my members to shawol, he said ’you really lie!’. He didn’t believe me until the end. I am sad, but maybe he believes me in his heart. Ah.... and he said to me ’do your best!’
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