Remembering Big Ounce

Well guys, sorry for the delay but here it is. It finally happened. After surviving a vicious shark attack, cancer and two vets suggesting euthanasia (actually), a grimmace shake, countless wars, eating a metal building, a ferari fire, sleeping with wilbur soot ,tank, and tomas innit, missing teeth, and several texas freezes, his sus wife who turned out to be a boy, and consuming every creature i could catch, I like to believe Biggerton lived a much longer and happier life than he would have somewhere else. He trully was the greatest and most accomplished prairie dog to ever live. Thank you for letting me show him to you these last couple years, and i especially thank you for all of the kind words and compialtions and art you sent me over the last week dedicated to him. You guys trully are the best community on this accursed internet. Moving forward, I will be shifting most if not all of my focus on preparing the wildlife rehab offices (the barn and the old crackhouse) for the upcom
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