Introducing Take Me Home | Documentary by Frances Xu

The Foundation for the Awakening Mind introduces “Take Me Home,“ a transformational documentary directed by Frances Xu. The documentary is now released as part of a movie package! Get it now on 🙌 “Take Me Home” is a movie about the awakening journey through trust, transparency, and relationships. This documentary was filmed at the Tabula Rasa Mystery School, a month-long retreat at a modern-day monastery where 20 people from all over the world came together for 30 days to go through profound transformations. The Mystery School participants, as well as a team of volunteers that came together to film the documentary, find themselves going through a dismantling of old self-concepts and beliefs as they open up to love in ways they had not expected. As time went by, the main characters were revealed. Relationships between lovers, family members, and team members unfolded in front of our eyes. However different their stories were on the surface, the lesson was the same: let go a
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