🛸 Consciousness Evolution, Overview of our Galactic World - Elena Danaan Part 2 (Better Audio)

Elena Danaan is a contactee of the galactic federation. If you watch my show you saw her twice on here before. Her contact experience started when at a young age she was abducted by nefarious ets and then rescued by pleadians, then more recently, she made contact with her rescuer Thor Han and she has gotten messages from the galactic federation of worlds, the ashtar command, and knows the ins and outs of extraterrestrial life in our solar system and throughout the galaxy. She has become a beacon for Disclosure in the ufo community. She has been featured on the Laura Eisenhower show and she just had an amazing conversations with Alex Collier, Michael Salla, And Dani Henderson Also about Elena Born in France, Elena Danaan graduated in Fine Arts in Paris and completed a Post-Grad in Archaeology at the Louvre University. She worked as field Archaeologist twenty years of her life, among which eight years in Egypt as an engineer epigraphist for the CNRS (Karnak, Luxor, Cairo, Dendera and Vall
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