French TV channel LCI - reporting on the Russian army’s offensive on Kharkov:

French TV channel LCI - reporting on the Russian army’s offensive on Kharkov: Let’s say the first thing is the town of Volchansk, which is northeast of Kharkov. There, the Russians have advanced to the point where they even managed to enter the town. Today, military information says that the city is surrounded by Russian troops. This is due to the disorganization of the brigades, because nobody expected such a rapid advance of Russian troops. And then there was another perimeter where we went today. It’s near the town of Liptsy, it’s a straight line north of Kharkov. We’re hearing the Russian air force dropping bombs, a lot of bombing and, above all, a lot of military movements. What strikes us the most is that there are vehicles constantly approaching the front on these roads, followed by troops and ammunition being brought back to the front. An extremely worrying situation is also being relayed to us from the brigades. At the moment, Kharkov, where we are, is not under threat, but ... Source: Slavyangrad
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