Princess Margaret At World Premiere - Long Version (1951)

This is long version of the story. Short version of the story can be found in the same Pathe Gazettes issue (51/32) on the same Pathe Master tape (PM1431) - Film ID . Leicester Square, London. GV. Exterior floodlit Warner theatre. LV. People entering theatre. SV. Back view, people entering theatre. SV. Notice above entrance, pan down to people waiting to enter. GV. Pan, crowds in foyer of theatre. SV. Three people talking. SCU. Mrs Attlee, wife of the Britain’s Prime Minister Clement Attlee, talking to two men. SV. Towards, Lord Fraser entering theatre. SV. Two men in foyer. SV. Lord Fraser laughing with Pathe reporter John Parsons. SV. People in foyer. SV. James Robertson Justice greeting Mr and Mrs Robert Beatty. SCU. Mr and Mrs Robert Beatty and Justice talking. CU. Mr Robertson Justice. CU. Mr and Mrs Beatty reading telegram sent by Gregory Peck to Mr Robertson Justice. LV. Towards, Princess Margaret entering theatre, she is greeted. Pamela Malyon, 18 year old Sea Ranger, steps forward to pre
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