Todd V Dating LIVE DEBRIEF AND Q+A — 03/09/22 тодд пикап менторинг

Date: 03/09/22 (0:53) Where is the line between disagreeing to establish the premise and going against the girls’ blueprint as a bad game move? Is it a question of effectiveness or perception? (4:25) We should definitely do a live class on a blueprint. (05:07) Some women will express things like “I hate all men” while clearly being into me. I typically just ignore this but how would you handle it? (7:47) The girl says “I am not interested“ right after the open, is it good to do a misinterpretation: smile back and say “Interested in what?“, as if she meant sex? (10:48) Curious, how old were/are the oldest virgins you’ve ever had as students? (12:42) Do you coach those guys differently than your other students? (13:58) If I make a statement or text which could be interpreted a number of ways or it’s ambiguous whether it’s mostly positive or negative, is that an open loop? (17:22) Having difficulty with physical escalation on dates. In bars, it often feels much more natural to sit across from each other with the table in between. Advice? (20:52) You say that every text message should have a reason. How do you adjust it with a girlfriend that just likes to chat back and forth on messages? (24:22) Can we add timestamps to the bonus text webinar we did a long time ago? It’s in the archive section. (25:10) I’m not a tall dude, 5’3“. In an online game, how do I handle my height so it is not so much an issue? What if the girl asks my height? I would assume saying 5’3“ wouldn’t help. What if she’s taller than me on the date? (30:21) Where can I find info about live coaching? The website I’m looking at only shows 2020 dates. (31:40) Exercises (32:03) Misinterpretation Exercise (I, You, or/and We) (33:20) First exercise: I’m so glad we don’t have to wear masks anymore. (33:39) Reading blueprint exercise? Not sure how that would work though. (36:23) Second exercise: This is the camera I got for Christmas. (39:36) With the Harvard student-type girls, should you be more logical with them and avoid spiking emotions too much or doing socially risky things? Otherwise, they might think you are an idiot. (42:37) For an online social group, should I game as an offline social game? I don’t want to be seen as a player. (43:59) Would a girl still view sleeping with you as a win for her if you had high absolute value but you are constantly validating her, being direct, and destroying sexual tension? (45:00) Are women more scared of catching diseases than men in the context of casual sex? Although preselection is one of many indicators of value, I’d assume that if a girl finds out, you had multiple partners in the past or is currently seeing others beside her, it would create more discomfort than attraction out of fear of catching something. (47:40) How can you network with other students in the coaching course to meet wings with whom to practice? (49:37) Can we upload videos of interactions in the coaching program for coaches to review our interactions? (52:34) Is it better to be delusional about your own value in set to avoid having thoughts of you not being enough while talking to the girl? I have a feeling it’s an “It depends” answer. (54:55) In the cold approach day-game scenario when I ask what she’s doing at the moment and she says nothing, what are some of the good things that I should say or do to move it forward? (56:21) You introduced a format a while ago (I don’t like you, I’m starting to like you, I like you but..) How does that look in real-life interaction? How do you open a girl and act like you don’t like her if you’re the one who approached her? (59:35) Gamed several two sets solo. The girls stand by the bar. The conversation was flirtatious, we got tequila shots but beyond the first 20 minutes, the set turned stale. The set was like fun, fun, fun but I am not sure how to push the set forward. The two sets ended with girls going to the bathroom. Not sure how to go for the number close in front of her girlfriend. What could have I done to push the sets further? (1:03:03) You said if you have high absolute value and no relative value, she won’t view sleeping with you as a win for her. Doesn’t that contradict that girls are attracted to men who have traits that would help them survive and reproduce in the past? Like if you’re high status and a leader of a tribe, isn’t that a good enough reason for her to sleep with you?
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