Paper Clay Flowers tutorial

Hello, today I will show you how to make Clay Flowers! Tips - If you want to add color to your flower, you use some chalk pastel and shade it - Press then smooth the edges when making petals - Put the flower on a stand when you leave it to dry (I used a small funnel and turned it upside - down) - This project is kinda time consuming, so try to start it when you have lots of time Shopping links! 50g (SMALL SIZE) Hearty Soft Clay: =sr_1_3? keywords=Hearty Soft Clay&qid=1583115148&sr=8-3 200g (LARGE SIZE) Hearty Soft Clay: =sr_1_2?keywords=Hearty Soft Clay&qid=1583115148&sr=8-2 Tacky Glue: =sr_1_6?keywords=Tacky Glue&qid=1583115413&sr=8-6 Have fun!
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