HOUR OF PENANCE - Birthright Abolished (2024)

► Subscribe to Agonia: 📀 Taken from the album “Devotion“ (out April 5th) 🛒 Buy the album: 🎧 Spotify, Apple Music: “«Birthright Abolished» is a song about taking back what has been stolen by the exploitation, slavery and oppression of the ruling class that has ravaged and polluted entire areas of the world for profit. We chose this song as the second single from «Devotion» because of its relentless speed and technicality, reminiscent of the «The Vile Conception» era, filtered through the influences of subsequent albums“ - Hour Of Penance, March 2024. ► Credits: Animations - Andrea Mantelli Graphics - Paolo Pieri Line-up: Giulio Moschini - guitars Paolo Pieri - guitars and vocals Marco Mastrobuono - bass Giacomo Torti - drums ► Hour Of Penance on-line: Website: Facebook: https
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