Jours tranquilles au Musee Precaire Albinet (Coraly Suard - Thomas Hirschhorn, 2006)

Quiet days at the temporary museum Albinet“ is based on the unusual artistic experience exhibiting original masterpieces of art on loan by the Center Pompidou in a “bad“ neighborhood near Paris. It strives to show the relations between the residents of this neighborhood which come to life thanks to the appearance of these invaluable pieces of art. The artistic event becomes the starting point of a fiction, a utopia becoming flesh in the reality... The Temporary Museum Albinet is the work of the artiste Thomas Hirschhorn realized from April 19 through June 14, 2004 in response to the invitation by the Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers. His work was to present original key works of the 20th century on the ground in front of a project housing called Albinet in the Landy neighborhood of Aubervilliers. During eight weeks the works of eight artists were exposed: Marcel Duchamp, Kasimir Malevitch, Piet Mondrian, Salvador Dali, Joseph Beuys, Le Corbusier, Andy Warhol, Fernand Léger.
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