SOUTH AFRICA / CRICKET: Fourth Test match at Johannesburg (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Highlights from the 4th Test Match between England and South Africa at Johannesburg, which ended in a draw. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The Fourth Test Match at Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA: Johannesburg: Ellis Park: South Africa players out on to field England opening batsmen Len Hutton and Cyril Washbrook out to bat View of crowd in Ellis Park Various of matchplay including Jack Crapp batting for England Shot of scoreboard showing England 100-1 Denis Compton batting for England Crowd applauding Washbrook caught out for 97 and crowd applaud More matchplay Sport; Cricket; South Africa Background: Highlights from the 4th Test Match between England and South Africa at Johannesburg, which ended in a draw. FILM ID: VLVA8Y9HYY0FDPBP3369Y9ECVL10B To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive
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