North American AK “Alpha Trainer“ - the Russian Ammo-pocalypse Savior-ish

Watch latest videos, sometimes even early releases! Sign up for the newsletter: With Russian sanctions in full effect and the massive influx of firearm purchases during 2020-2021, many of the true overseas manufactured AKs in the United States have either shot up in price to collectible levels or simply evaporated altogether. Exacerbating the issue is the recent State Department ban on Russian ’x39’ ammunition. Here’s the story of N. American “Alpha Trainer“ the project started and where the firearm currently sits in the scope of the U.S. AK Marketplace. Over the past 20 years, the Kalashnikov rifle has quickly gone from a ’couldn’t afford an AR’ rifle into a highly sought after firearm in the United States, due mainly to the limitations and regulation on supply of the platform, as well as the advent of quality aftermarket modernization kits.
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