Massive Worlds – Crafting World Partition Landscapes using Houdini | Erwin Heyms | EPC 2023

Learn how to use the E-Houdini Academy “Massive Worlds” toolset to procedurally create, edit and manage massive open world landscapes in Unreal 5.1. Providing a new and powerful pipeline for open world building, the “Massive Worlds” toolset empowers you to use your Houdini Digital Assets with Unreal, at a scale that simply wasn’t possible before. Leveraging new Unreal 5.1 features, such as Landscape Edit Layers, you’ll learn how to use this non-destructive, Houdini empowered pipeline to procedurally shape your worlds. Erwin Heyms is a Houdini Teacher & Procedural Pipeline Consultant at E-Houdini Academy. Providing Procedural Education and R&D services to upscale digital production pipelines to new levels of efficiency.
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