Ghost - Square Hammer | Guitar Cover with Solo

Ghost - Square Hammer - Album: Popestar - guitar cover with solo by Jassy J , backingtrack without guitars =) HALLOWEEN SPECIAL 1/4 Something more fresh from the 2010s! Already featured “Cirice“ in one of my Metal Top 15 Riff Lists! As many of you suggested this one back in 2016 and I never managed to record a cover because of copyright issues, I offered Square Hammer on the Patreon Guitar Cover Voting and it has won! I used a guitarless backingtrack, also the organ is muted sadly but it wasn’t possible for me to create a good sound with the original song in the background so I also imitated the organ on the guitar with an octaver. Big Plus: All the guitars you hear are played by me ;) Minus: Some parts of the track just sound weird, I had to do a lot of mixing/mastering haha! PATREON VOTED COVER! Let me know in the comments below how you enjoyed this one! =) I learnt it within a couple of minutes xD Also: If you have any questions about how to record outd
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