Meet the one of the Oldest Pasta-Making Grannies in the World! | Pasta Grannies

95 year old Giuseppa shows us how to make a Sardinian pasta speciality called macarrones de ungia - which are mini, knobbly versions of mallorreddus. They come from the town of Ozieri where Giuseppa has lived all her life. She continues to make pasta every day as well as cooking for her younger brother. Giuseppa, we salute you! If you would like to try making this shape at home, try using the smooth side of a nutmeg grater. For the dough, it’s difficult to give exact quantities as the amount of water will depend on the flour, the temperature and humidity of the day. But start with the following, for 4 people: 400g semola flour 150 ml warm water, with a teaspoon of salt dissolved into it. Add half of water to your flour to begin with and keep kneading it until you form a dough. Add water if a) it doesn’t come together and b) feels too dry. You are aiming for a stiff dough which you then have to knead for a good 20 minutes, probably longer. It should start to feel smooth. Let it rest, covered, for at least
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