How to paint a beautiful dandelion BOKEH in watercolor. Step by Step watercolor tutorial.

Heinrich demonstrates how to make this 3-D bokeh painting. He gives many tips about brushes and tools to use for creating the bokeh effect. He also shows what you can do with masking fluid. Follow this amazing process and learn with us. Feel free to add SUGGESTIONS or give FEEDBACK in the COMMENT section below. Auto-generated SUBTITLES are available in English, Afrikaans, German, French, Russian & Spanish. The colours, brushes and paper used for this painting are listed below. BRUSHES: Princeton Mop 1” Hwahong 30mm Hake Hwahong W-3 Stencil Brush Art Secret No 14 Stencil Brush Silver Black Velvet No 2 Round You can use alternative colours, although the effect might not always be the same, due to the different hues, and consistencies of the paints. To substitute colours, you usually need to make blends of other colours. PAINTS: Indigo Tundra Violet Tundra Rose Bright Violet Dioxazine Violet Quinacridone Gold Burnt Sienna
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