Not every blaster is a Unicorn! But this one is! Unicorn KM-9 Review!

Thanks to KM Kechainmeta for the sample to review. I really appreciate being able to take a look at this very fun blaster. Check out the following links for some more details, especially Frontline Foam if you’re looking for hard numbers on what you can expect from upgrades. Not a Nerf blaster, but a very fun way to fling foam! Frontline Foam first look with a lot of details ValTek Armory overview Out of Darts pre-order link Pico Booper that I mention around 4:23 ZWQ S200s Viper Blaster Koda 23-Round Short-Dart Magazine OOD Original T238 SCAR 00:00 Introduction 01:09 Unboxing 02:59 The review 03:44 FPS Worker Gen3 Darts 04:10 FPS with Dart Zone Bamboo Darts 04:23 Top prime option 05:03 Stock options 06:03 The barrel and T238 SCAR FPS 07:26 The magazine, and talon and OOD Koda capatibility 08:05 Skinny pusher 08:29 Other blaster details 08:47 Take down pins 09:30 Prime return spring and internals 10:09 Slam fire?! 10:35 Price point and future trends 11:42 Conclusion
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