Pathfinder Kingmaker metal song (feat. Amiri aka the Chieftain of insults)
Pathfinder Kingmaker metal song (feat. Amiri aka the Chieftain of insults)
turned out much much better than I expected. Like I wanted to make songs like this for so long now, but couldn’t get the right material for that. Yesterday I was searching youtube and found out that kingmaker’s dialogs are available separately. It is a goldmine for songs like this. Amiri is just straight one of my favorite characters of Pathfinder Kingmaker. She is so blunt and raw she easily could be a very awesome metal or hardcore singer!
So here is my feat song with Amiri aka the Chieftain of insults herself.
Going to make a lot of songs like this for sure!
If you want to support the channel here’s my paypal:
My gear:
Craftsman strat (my trusty pal, for like 9 years now!)
The tuning is drop C
Amp: Sigma (Absolute banger and awesome amp sim, for a very good price(
Drums: GGD one kit wonder
Bass: EZbass
Sound card: Focusrite Scarlet solo 3rd gen