To Whom Is the Crown of Life Granted? | WMSCOG, Church of God, Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother

“Trials befall those who make efforts to receive many rewards and blessings in the kingdom of heaven. God said that only those who overcome Satan’s temptation with zealous faith will receive the crown of life. Therefore, the members of the Church of God hope for the eternal kingdom of heaven and the crown of life promised by Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother, and keep the faith that overcomes trials.“ #WMSCOG#KimJoo-cheol#Sermon [This video is copyrighted by the World Mission Society Church of God. Unauthorised copying and distribution are prohibited.] 〖World Mission Society Church of God〗 〖WATV Media Cast〗 〖United Kingdom〗 〖US East Coast〗 〖US LA〗 〖US New Jersey〗 〖US New York〗 〖
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