How to create Navigation Drawer in Flutter App?

In this video, we’re going to learn how to create a Navigation Drawer in a Flutter App. Navigation Drawers are a great way to organise your app’s user interface and make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for. We’ll also look at how to create a custom drawer icon and how to style the drawer’s text. If you’re new to Flutter, this video is a great way to get started. I’ll teach you the basics of Flutter development and how to create a simple navigation drawer app that you can use in your own apps. Don’t miss it! 🚀An application for learning English on Google Play: 4PDA: See on our website: 🔴 The entire playlist with a FREE course and lessons on Flutter: Just starting to get acquainted with Flutter? These videos are for you: 👉 What is Flutter 👉 Flutter Lessons - How
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