Summoner Showcase #59 -- Year End Party

Click here to signup and play League of Legends: Xandriea serves up a cake in costume this holiday with the help of fondant and food coloring. How can you eat something so awesome? Ghonosyph has submitted a piece of industrial art with spikes, lights and chains befitting of a void creature like Kog’Maw! If Taric makes you feel fabulous, you’re not alone. BossPanda breaks it down so you can understand the true meaning. Hopefully you’re still ready for League of Legends fan songs, because VampyDJ has another one coming your way, this time it’s fit for the club. By fire be pulverized! ZeroLemons brings you a piece of fan art they’re calling Hell Born Alistar, where fire and healing converge. This is a bit different, a comic about a League p
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