Baclofen Pump Introduction

*Correction: The larger pump has a 40 mL volume I’ve had a baclofen pump (ITB) to manage my lower-body spasticity since July 2019. This video introduces the pump focusing on general information about the device, refill process, benefits, possible complications, and my experience. Timestamps – 00:00 Introduction and background info 01:10 Device info 02:19 Refill process 03:44 Benefits 05:15 Walking videos 06:05 Possible complications 09:07 Overview of my experience 10:37 Conclusion Links – Fantastic ITB information: Medtronic ITB website: Medtronic Risks & Benefits website: Mayo Clinic ITB medication info: Academic Sources – Chan, D. Y. C., Chan, S. S. K., Chan, E. K. Y., Ng, A. Y., Ying, A. C. L., Li, A. C. Y., ... & Poon, W. S. (2018). Blessing or burden? Long‐term maintenance, complications and clinical outc
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