Operation Bulldog international military exercise (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Air force personnel from various nations participate in a military training exercise called Operation Bulldog during the Cold War Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Western Union Air Forces Test Defences ENGLAND: EXT AEROPLANES AMERICAN. Shots of American Drome in London, visited by Mr Arther Henderson, inspects air-crews, goes on flight in B50 Bomber during “exercise Bull-dog“, ELLWOOD AIR MARSHAL. Bomber Command H.Q. giving final orders before the Autumn air manoeuvres in England, “Exercise Bull-dog“ HENDERSON, Arthur(M.P.) Son of Late Arthur Henderson M.P. Seen at U.S. air-station in England, goes for flight in B50 Bomber, JET PROPELLED PLANES Take part in “Exercise Bull-dog“, Shots of pilots after the order “Scramble“ Climbing into Jet-Fighters, Taking off, In the Air, good air shots, Mock air battles, MILITARY B
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