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I guess omosexuals and Down Syndromes have more to do with Helmintos or the same Parasites, than always Evolutionary Systems in pursuit not only to survive, to be always more. Then all arabs aint omosexual, but Moors are omosexauls. Moors, Omosexuals, Retardes, Down Syndromes, Pederast, Corrupts, have somethings in common, Man and Woman fights them with the Law, and also their inmune system and nervious system has really wrong neuroplasticity. In Abrahamic Religions, only accepted Religions by Ginebra Pact, God threw away from Israel all corrupts, omosexual, pederast, etc, just like German in WW2, Just like all countrys of U.N. we dont accept these kind of thirves. If you want refuge, you sont find it. If you dared to molest a U.N. citizen now acotated to CIA or KGB you will have your represalies now Hannetz Toro Chucrun broke Ginebra oact using MK-Ultra BioChemical Weapons on Me I 54 . 1 Edward Lethal Lethal in Daywalker 2 Schedulle by the laws of Lethal Engage against MKs and POEs in Ginebra Rights after Lethal Weapons use is broke.
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