Sleigh Ride Surf Zombies

Merry Christmas Time ! Welcome to my channel! My name is Brook Hoover and I’ve been teaching guitar since the 70’s. I play in a band called Surf Zombies and we play all original surf instrumental music in the midwest. When not writing and recording new music I like to make quick videos for students and those interested in fundamental guitar skills. I also like to film tests of the various guitars I repair plus amps and pedals. I also spend time cleaning up garbage off the streets of my adopted city of Cedar Rapids. I’d be very glad if you’d subscribe to my channel. Please share my videos and add a comment or request. Thanks! My new album can be purchased following this link. For every CD I sell, I will personally pick up a bag of garbage off the streets, alleys, parks and waterways of my home town Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I am grateful for tips I cr
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